


MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Exif"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private ExifData() As Byte
Private IFDcount As Integer 'IFDデータの個数
Private GPScount As Integer 'GPSデータの個数
Private SubIFDcount As Integer 'SubIFDデータの個数
Private IFDdata() As New IFD 'IFDデータ用 IFDオブジェクト
Private GPSdata() As New IFD 'GPSデータ用 IFDオブジェクト
Private SubIFDdata() As New IFD 'SubIFDデータ用 IFDオブジェクト
Private tagName As Object

Public IFDtagData As Object
Public GPStagData As Object
Public SubIFDtagData As Object

Public Function OpenExif(filename As String) As Boolean
Dim ExifHedder() As Byte
Dim APP1Size As Long
Dim ExifMark As String
Dim IFDstart As Long
Dim SubIFDstart As Long
Dim GPSstart As Long
Dim III As Integer
Dim IFDtagData2 As Object
Dim temp
Dim Byte2Str As New ByteExchange
Dim Byte2StrNE As New ByteExchange
Dim IFDnum As Long
Byte2StrNE.endian = "MM"
Dim TagA As Variant
Dim tagNameA As Variant
Dim i As Integer

TagA = Array("&H010E", "&H010F", "&H0110", "&H011A", "&H011B", "&H0128", "&H0131", "&H0132", "&H013E", "&H013F", "&H0211", _
"&H0213", "&H0214", "&H8298", "&H8769", "SUB_&H829A", "SUB_&H829D", "SUB_&H8822", "SUB_&H8827", "SUB_&H9000", _
"SUB_&H9003", "SUB_&H9004", "SUB_&H9101", "SUB_&H9102", "SUB_&H9201", "SUB_&H9202", "SUB_&H9203", "SUB_&H9204", _
"SUB_&H9205", "SUB_&H9206", "SUB_&H9207", "SUB_&H9208", "SUB_&H9209", "SUB_&H920A", "SUB_&H927C", "SUB_&H9286", _
"SUB_&H9290", "SUB_&H9291", "SUB_&H9292", "SUB_&HA000", "SUB_&HA001", "SUB_&HA002", "SUB_&HA003", "SUB_&HA004", _
"SUB_&HA005", "SUB_&HA20E", "SUB_&HA20F", "SUB_&HA210", "SUB_&HA215", "SUB_&HA217", "SUB_&HA300", "SUB_&HA301", _
"SUB_&HA302", "GPS_&H0000", "GPS_&H0001", "GPS_&H0002", "GPS_&H0003", "GPS_&H0004", "GPS_&H0005", "GPS_&H0006", _
"GPS_&H0007", "GPS_&H0008", "GPS_&H0009", "GPS_&H000A", "GPS_&H000B", "GPS_&H000C", "GPS_&H000D", "GPS_&H000E", _
"GPS_&H000F", "GPS_&H0010", "GPS_&H0011", "GPS_&H0012", "GPS_&H0013", "GPS_&H0014", "GPS_&H0015", "GPS_&H0016", _
"GPS_&H0017", "GPS_&H0018", "GPS_&H0019", "GPS_&H001A")

tagNameA = Array("ImageDescription", "Make", "Model", "XResolution", "YResolution", "ResolutionUnit", "Software", "DateTime", _
"WhitePoint", "PrimaryChromaticities", "YCbCrCoefficients", "YCbCrPositioning", "ReferenceBlackWhite", "Copyright", _
"ExifIFDPointer", "ExposureTime", "FNumber", "ExposureProgram", "ISOSpeedRatings", "ExifVersion", "DateTimeOriginal", _
"DateTimeDigitized", "ComponentsConfiguration", "CompressedBitsPerPixel", "ShutterSpeedValue", "ApertureValue", _
"BrightnessValue", "ExposureBiasValue", "MaxApertureValue", "SubjectDistance", "MeteringMode", "LightSource", "Flash", _
"FocalLength", "MakerNote", "UserComment", "SubsecTime", "SubsecTimeOriginal", "SubsecTimeDigitized", "FlashPixVersion", _
"ColorSpace", "ExifImageWidth", "ExifImageHeight", "RelatedSoundFile", "InteroperabilityIFDPointer", "FocalPlaneXResolution", _
"FocalPlaneYResolution", "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", "ExposureIndex", "SensingMethod", "FileSource", "SceneType", "CFAPattern", _
"GPSVersionID", "GPSLatitudeRef", "GPSLatitude", "GPSLongitudeRef", "GPSLongitude", "GPSAltitudeRef", "GPSAltitude", "GPSTimeStamp", _
"GPSSatellites", "GPSStatus", "GPSMeasureMode", "GPSDOP", "GPSSpeedRef", "GPSSpeed", "GPSTrackRef", "GPSTrack", "GPSImgDirectionRef", _
"GPSImgDirection", "GPSMapDatum", "GPSDestLatitudeRef", "GPSDestLatitude", "GPSDestLongitudeRef", "GPSDestLongitude", _
"GPSDestBearingRef", "GPSDestBearing", "GPSDestDistanceRef", "GPSDestDistance")

Set tagName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

If tagName.Count = 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(TagA)
tagName.Add tagNameA(i), TagA(i)
End If
Set IFDtagData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set GPStagData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set SubIFDtagData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Open filename For Binary As #1
'SOI: 2byte "FFD8"
'APP1 Marker 2byte "FFE1"
'APP1 Size 2byte
'Exif Mark 6byte "45786966 0000"="Exif"+"&H0000"
ExifHedder = InputB(12, #1)
'SOI="&H" & HEX(ExifHedder(0)) & HEX(ExifHedder(1))
'APP1Marker="&H" & HEX(ExifHedder(2)) & HEX(ExifHedder(3))

APP1Size = CLng(Byte2StrNE.endianHex(ExifHedder, 4, 2)) ' APP1データのサイズ。このサイズ分、現在の位置から読み込む(サイズデータ部分を含む)
ExifMark = Chr(ExifHedder(6)) & Chr(ExifHedder(7)) & Chr(ExifHedder(8)) & Chr(ExifHedder(9))
If ExifMark <> "Exif" Then
OpenExif = False
Close #1
Exit Function
OpenExif = True
End If
APP1Size = APP1Size + 4 - 12 'APP1サイズには、先頭の8バイト(JPEGマーカー(SOI)とAPP1マーカーは含まれない。また、はじめのInput#分により次のInput#は12バイト分ずれている)
ExifData = InputB(APP1Size, #1) 'これによりExifDataは、Tiffヘッダの先頭からAPP1データ範囲のすべてを取り込むこととなる。

Byte2Str.endian = Chr(ExifData(0)) & Chr(ExifData(1))
IFDstart = CLng(Byte2Str.endianHex(ExifData, 4, 4))
IFDcount = CLng(Byte2Str.endianHex(ExifData, IFDstart, 2))
ReDim IFDdata(IFDcount) 'IFDデータオブジェクトの配列を個数に合わせて再定義
For III = 1 To IFDcount
IFDdata(III).endian = Byte2Str.endian 'IFDデータオブジェクトにエンディアンを設定。このデータは無駄。再考の必要あり
IFDdata(III).readIFD ExifData, IFDstart + 2 + (III - 1) * 12 'IFDデータオブジェクトの配列にデータをセット
IFDtagData.Add IFDdata(III).TagI, III 'IFDのタグ番号とオブジェクトの配列との対比をDictonaryオブジェクトに記録
'&H8769 SubIFD unsigned long SubIFDデータを再度読み直し
If IFDtagData.Exists("&H8769") Then
SubIFDstart = CLng(IFDdata(IFDtagData("&H8769")).DataOffset) 'SubIFDタグインフォからSubIFDデータのオフセットを呼び出す
SubIFDcount = CLng(Byte2Str.endianHex(ExifData, SubIFDstart, 2))
ReDim SubIFDdata(SubIFDcount)
For III = 1 To SubIFDcount
SubIFDdata(III).endian = Byte2Str.endian
SubIFDdata(III).readIFD ExifData, SubIFDstart + 2 + (III - 1) * 12
SubIFDtagData.Add SubIFDdata(III).TagI, III
End If

'0x8825 GPSInfo unsigned long GPSデータを再度読み直し
If IFDtagData.Exists("&H8825") Then
GPSstart = CLng(IFDdata(IFDtagData("&H8825")).Data) 'GPSタグインフォからGPSデータのオフセットを呼び出す
GPScount = CLng(Byte2Str.endianHex(ExifData, IFDdata(IFDtagData("&H8825")).DataOffset, 2))
ReDim GPSdata(GPScount)
For III = 1 To GPScount
GPSdata(III).endian = Byte2Str.endian
GPSdata(III).readIFD ExifData, GPSstart + 2 + (III - 1) * 12
GPStagData.Add GPSdata(III).TagI, III
End If

Close #1
End Function

Public Function getIFDdata(tag As String) As String
'0x010e ImageDescription ascii string
'0x0132 DateTime ascii string
'0x8298 Copyright ascii string
'0x9286 UserComment undefined "ユーザーコメントが格納されます。ImageDescriptionタグと違って、こちらはJIS2バイトコード


'0x9003 DateTimeOriginal ascii string
'0x9004 DateTimeDigitized ascii string
'0x8825 GPSInfo unsigned long
Dim ImgTag As String
If InStr(tagName(tag), "GPS_") > 0 Then
ImgTag = Replace(tagName(tag), "GPS_", "")
getIFDdata = Replace(GPSdata(GPStagData(ImgTag)).Data, Chr(0), "")
ElseIf InStr(tagName(tag), "SUB_") > 0 Then
ImgTag = Replace(tagName(tag), "SUB_", "")
getIFDdata = Replace(SubIFDdata(SubIFDtagData(ImgTag)).Data, Chr(0), "")

getIFDdata = Replace(IFDdata(IFDtagData(tagName(tag))).Data, Chr(0), " ")
End If
End Function
Public Function getGPSdata(tagName As String) As String
'0x0000 GPS タグのバージョン GPSVersionID
'0x0001 北緯(N)or 南緯(S) GPSLatitudeRef
'0x0002 緯度(数値) GPSLatitude
'0x0003 東経(E)or 西経(W) GPSLongitudeRef
'0x0004 経度(数値) GPSLongitude
'0x0005 高度の単位 GPSAltitudeRef
'0x0006 高度(数値) GPSAltitude
'0x0012 測位に用いた地図データ GPSMapDatum
Dim ImgTag As String
Select Case tagName
Case "GPSVersionID"
ImgTag = "&H0000"
Case "GPSLatitudeRef"
ImgTag = "&H0001"
Case "GPSLatitude"
ImgTag = "&H0002"
Case "GPSLongitudeRef"
ImgTag = "&H0003"
Case "GPSLongitude"
ImgTag = "&H0004"
Case "GPSAltitudeRef"
ImgTag = "&H0005"
Case "GPSAltitude"
ImgTag = "&H0006"
Case "GPSMapDatum"
ImgTag = "&H0012"
Case Else
ImgTag = False
End Select
If ImgTag Then
getGPSdata = Replace(GPSdata(GPStagData(ImgTag)).Data, Chr(0), "")
getGPSdata = "Not Available"
End If

End Function

Private Sub setTagname()
End Sub


MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "ByteExchange"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Public endian As String
'endian プロパティにセットする値は、"II"(インテル形式)または"MM"(モトローラ形式)
Public Function endianHex(Data() As Byte, startP As Long, Length As Long) As String
If endian <> "II" Then endian = "MM"
Dim III As Long
Dim startW As Long
Dim endW As Long
Dim stepW As Long
Dim tempB As String
endianHex = "&H"
If endian = "II" Then
startW = startP + Length - 1
endW = startP
stepW = -1
ElseIf endian = "MM" Then
startW = startP
endW = startP + Length - 1
stepW = 1

End If
For III = startW To endW Step stepW
tempB = Hex(Data(III))
If Len(tempB) = 1 Then tempB = "0" & tempB
endianHex = endianHex & tempB
End Function

Public Function byte_Hex(Indata As Integer) As String
byte_Hex = Hex(Indata)
If Len(byte_Hex) = 1 Then byte_Hex = "0" & byte_Hex
End Function